Monday, June 21, 2010

Home sweet Home

I feel like I could write a book, but my brain needs to catch up and process through the last week's events. We are home after a whirlwind trip. Kamise could not be more perfect! I don't even know where to begin... People stop and notice her everywhere, several commenting on how "clever" she is! She is fast asleep still. It was so fun watching her open her closet last night and play with her toys and love on her brother and sister. We were blown away to have a big crowd at the airport to welcome us home--even at 11:30 pm! She was a sure crowd pleaser! I will begin processing all and posting more about our trip and more pics of our special miracle! I thank the Lord who brought us home safely and is bonding us together!


  1. God is good all the time!!! Praise Him that you are all home and doing great!

    I wanted to be at the airport.....couldn't. Poohie.

    Love you guys!

  2. So glad she is home! Operation Airport Meet n' Greet was unfortunately past my bedtime, but I will eagerly keep checking the blog for more pics of that precious little girl. Book Club is at my house next week, I hope you can come and tell us the tales of your adventures like only you can!
